Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We've Arrived in Australia!

December 21, 2010
After 4 days in Australia, here are a few words from each of us...

About a year ago I wouldn’t have imagined that I would be in Australia for my winter break, but here I am! A few weeks ago I wouldn’t have imagined that I would be on a boat, on Christmas day, getting ready to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef. And I few days ago I wouldn’t have imagined, even in my wildest dreams, that I would hold a Koala. ☺

The best perk so far is that they speak English. ☺ After living in a country for 6 months that doesn’t speak my native tongue, I can be fully grateful for that simple commonality. In fact, I could even be considered an Australian here. People don’t question your presence like they do in Thailand.
As my family notices the differences that separate America and Australia, I’m just amazed by all the similarities. Having been in two new countries in the last six months has given me a better perspective of the US. I’m quite the visual thinker, and I have a constant map of the world stored in my head. Now, each time I visualize that map, the US seems smaller, but more accurate in size compared to Asia and Australia.

The English influence in Brisbane was so evident; the Parliament Offices, churches and the architecture of so many buildings. They have recently created a gorgeous river walk full of running/walking paths, markets etc. And even have several city pools “lagoons” along the river, which had many teenagers at all hours. Brisbane is definitely a clean, green and friendly city that one could grow to love, somewhat of a mix between Madison and Portland.
There are showers in almost all of the public bathrooms, even at the airport!
The Koalas were adorable. We all loved watching the moms with their babies. The kangaroos were different than I expected, so incredibly muscular with gigantic feet and LONG nails.

So how would you like to go? In Australia, Queensland especially, there are a number of ways. Of the 10 most poisonous snakes in the world, all 10 are in Australia, and several, including the coral snake are in Queensland (northeastern Australia). The most poisonous creature in the world and possibly the most agonizing death occurs at the hands, or better said tentacles, of the box jellyfish. If you’re a James Bond fan you know of the blue ringed octopus, a certain death sentence. You could step on a deadly stonefish (I won’t bother with the neurotoxin details). Lots of very poisonous spiders but probably treatable if you get to a doctor in time. Rip currents drown a few dozen people or more every year. If drowning sounds peaceful, you could always be left on the reef by a dive boat. My favorite demise would be the saltwater crocodile. They live in the estuaries. The largest on record is over 5 meters.
Good ‘ay mates, we’re having a great time down under.

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