Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Saw The Glass Half Empty

       After two days of teaching the academic lab class, I can see that the glass is really half full.  There are only 1-5 students each class and they are generally students that had low grades last year.  A teacher from the states might assume that most would be a handfull, but that is not the case.  This may be the "honeymoon phase" teachers are so well aware of, but they have all been polite and for the most part extremely hard working.  One student had open heart surgery last year so her grades slipped.  Another girls is taking a full load so has to come in after class.  She is half Swiss and half Thai.  She speaks Swiss, Thai, French, Italian, and German.  She just happened to overload herself and fell behind.  September 15th is the first grade check.  I should be up to about 10-15 students per class at that point.  I'm sure there will be a few goof-offs but in most american classrooms they would not be considered much of a problem.  I'll keep you posted on this topic. 
       I currently have one to two periods each day with no students.  I would go stir crazy if the lack of students continued all year.  At this point it is a blessing because I'm trying to take care of things like getting a computer and printer for myself, computers, books and supplies for the class, and learn where things are and how they work. 
       I also get a feel for what the support teachers go through that work at Cascade High School.  Some of the teachers here keep repeating "Johnny just has to work harder".  Of course, that part is a no-brainer.  Most so far have been very helpfull and have given me good insight to how there class works and what is expected of the students.

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